Zero to Curves - Meg Bitton Productions

Zero to Curves


Artist: Ben Willmore
Subtotal: $5.00


Join Ben Willmore and me as we reveal how to edit with curves. Step-by-step instructions include basics of masks, layers and the curves tool itself.

When you learn how to use masks, layers and curves non-destructively to edit effectively, it changes everything. So, I brought in Ben Willmore, author of over a dozen Photoshop books, who has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use Photoshop in addition to being in the Photoshop Hall of Fame.

Ben watched how I edit in curves and designed this program to teach you everything you need to understand about the tools in order to master my editing techniques. Join Ben and me as we take you through masks, layers and the curves tool. I will edit an image in BOTH of my styles, dark and rich and light and airy. Ben will then take apart ALL of my steps and walk you through them. He will also offer many tips on how to speed up your workflow.

This class will become your go to class for understanding how masks, layers and curves work. And, do not think this is ONLY for beginners. I learned a few new tricks today as well.

And, for the final piece of the excitement, Ben and I created and designed a RAY OF LIGHT brush that is optimized for the most beautiful light effect you will ever want to create which is included in your purchase.

Ben is flat-out the best Photoshop instructor I've ever worked with. But you don't have to take my word for it. Read the reviews on this page!

Zero to Curves - Meg Bitton Productions

Zero to Curves


Zero to Curves


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 65 reviews
    Edlayne Fernandes
    Very beautiful explanation! I loved how Ben breaks down all …

    Very beautiful explanation! I loved how Ben breaks down all the steps with class and elegance. I took tons of notes and I am inspired to practice! Thank you guys! The bonus downloads are not working on my end. I hope Customer Service can take care of this for me.

    Gia Randazzo
    This is and was EVERYTHING PERFECT!!! For someone that wants …

    This is and was EVERYTHING PERFECT!!! For someone that wants the most bang for their buck! You will learn basically how to paint your images to be the tones and shades you see others having. Curves is an amazing tool and gets a lot done.

    Stephanie Pipes
    EXCELLENT! I wish I watched this sooner. It shows what …

    EXCELLENT! I wish I watched this sooner. It shows what curves is, plus the artistic magic you can create with just ONE tool! So good!

    wendy metelerkamp
    This is what I have been missing in my toolbox. …

    This is what I have been missing in my toolbox. It has not only opened my eyes, but also inspired me.

    Shanti Clancy
    This video renewed my excitement for editing, which was gone. …

    This video renewed my excitement for editing, which was gone. I am proud of my images I'm posting and feel like I get more of what I envision when I begin without using a bunch of actions.

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