Working With What You Have Fundamentals - Meg Bitton Productions

Working With What You Have Fundamentals


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Previously included in Foundations of Working With What You Have, NOW available separately!

Included with purchase are the FOUR instructional videos Keri taught with in her Foundations Course! Learn the fundamentals to learn to work with what you have available at home, in studio, or on location to create beautiful, magic images, and use it to your beautiful advantage in your own work!

Topics covered include: What’s your story? What is it you want to say and tell the world? What is the story you want to tell? Where do you want to tell your story?How do you want to tell you story? During this process we will try brainstorming: Composition (do you want a closer crop? Do you want more of the surroundings to be a part of your story? Where to place you subject(s)? What do you want them to wear? What colors or style will portray your story best? Then you will bring it all together!!

Working With What You Have Fundamentals - Meg Bitton Productions

Working With What You Have Fundamentals


Working With What You Have Fundamentals


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