Wide Angle Bootcamp - April 2020 - Meg Bitton Productions

Wide Angle Bootcamp - April 2020


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Join me (Sarah Morris) in a private group where we will work together to learn to improve your angles with a wide angle lens! I will provide feedback on how to improve your images, plus ASSIGNMENTS to help you bring your vision to life. I’ll be using some of my and Meg's images to help you find that Ah-ha moment that will transform your images! Let me be the voice in your ear that guides you to be the best you can be. Let’s get it in gear and get this BOOTCAMP started! Any lens from kit, to 24mm to 50mm will work in this bootcamp!

Bootcamp will begin on April 6 and will continue for 4 weeks. Every Monday I will introduce a new topic for the week. I will also post a Q & A thread in the group where you will be able to ask me questions about the topics for the week. Every Tuesday I will be supplying a video in which I discuss FIVE of MY images explaining in further detail the topics we will be discussing for the week. On Tuesday you will also receive the week’s assignment which will be due on Saturday. If you love learning in a smaller group setting, with daily group interaction, this Bootcamp is for you! Let’s learn the basics of photography, become stronger in those basics, and begin to transform your images!

  • Week 1: April 6 ………….Topic: Intro to Wide Angle Shooting
  • Week 2: April 13 …………Topic: Shooting Wide Indoors
  • Week 3: April 20………….Topic: Shooting Wide Outdoors
  • Week 4: April 27………….Topic: Shooting Details & Low Light with a Wide Angle

***Space WILL be limited in this Bootcamp***

You will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL of the Videos in this course.

There is NO requirement that you post images or that you participate in the discussions. You are free to just read the threads and enjoy the videos. We all learn at our own pace and in our own way. You can watch and follow along silently, if that is your preference.

The link to join the group will be available on the course page once you purchase the workshop. You will have to provide your email address AND secret code provided in order to join the Bootcamp Group! You will be approved individually, shortly BEFORE the bootcamp begins.

Questions? Email us at support@megbittonlive.com if you have any questions and we will help you. Do not post on Facebook or PM us there. We do NOT check Facebook PMs.

Wide Angle Bootcamp - April 2020 - Meg Bitton Productions

Wide Angle Bootcamp - April 2020

$0.00 $5.00

Wide Angle Bootcamp - April 2020

$0.00 $5.00

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