Tips and Techniques: In Action - Meg Bitton Productions

Tips and Techniques: In Action


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Tips and Techniques: In Action - Meg Bitton Productions

Tips and Techniques: In Action


Tips and Techniques: In Action


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    Regan Young
    Tips and techniques are my favorites bc they’re short and …

    Tips and techniques are my favorites bc they’re short and sweet while containing tons of practical skills. I always learn a bunch in these and there isn’t any extra fluff to wade through. And love the quick edits at the ends.

    Lacy Light
    Thank you for all the tips and techniques. They are …

    Thank you for all the tips and techniques. They are huge help in getting me to remember the little things I would't other wise think of. I feel like I am growing so much since finding you. Thank you again.

    Connie Etter
    Of course another awesome class! (one of like 12 I …

    Of course another awesome class! (one of like 12 I have) I always remember Meg saying--- face the light /tip your face up toward the light. It has saved me a lot!!!!

    Mary Flores-Camacho
    Megs segments are short, and concise. The tips can be …

    Megs segments are short, and concise. The tips can be put into practice immediately. Thanks for sharing tips to take my creative photography to the next level.

    Eva Nicholas
    Great tips. Sometimes you just need these tips to get …

    Great tips. Sometimes you just need these tips to get you to the next level

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