The Wonder of Editing 2021 - Meg Bitton Productions

The Wonder of Editing 2021


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $3.99


Join Sarah Morris in 2021 as she shares a year of her editing style.

Each month in a private group you will be able to participate in a poll where you will choose from all the images Sarah has released that month and the one with the most votes will be recorded.

You will not only have access to the EDITING VIDEO, you will also receive in your account, the RAW file of the image she has edited.

You ARE NOT required to participate in the poll or be in the group if you choose not to be. You will receive the edit and the file in your account regardless.

If you do participate in the group, you may post and learn along with everyone else.

2021 is going to be magical. Are you in?

The Wonder of Editing 2021 - Meg Bitton Productions

The Wonder of Editing 2021

$0.00 $3.99

The Wonder of Editing 2021

$0.00 $3.99

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