Twelve months, twelve whimsical and beautiful composite fairytale editing tutorials from Shawna Pearce.
Learn how to create your own fairytale composite creations during this year of learning.
Each month starting in January, a beautiful edit will be added to THIS product page.
Are you ready for a year long journey into the world of composite fairytales?
Will you be following alone with Shawna?
Wrong... October is my favorite!
Shawna, I love them all, but September... OMG! My favorite so far! Love huge.
Shawna's tutorials are absolutely amazing! The detail oriented edits push me to learn and do more. I really appreciate that she offers new techniques in all of her edits. If I could change one thing it would be MORE editing from Shawna :)
Shawna creates magic from a blank canvas. Original, easy to follow along, detail specific.
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