Sibling Sessions - Meg Bitton Productions
Sibling Sessions

Sibling Sessions


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Make memories that will last a lifetime, no matter how many siblings are involved. It’s easy, when you have a plan!

Nobody ever knows you quite the way that your siblings know you. The sibling relationship can be one of the most rewarding and challenging of your life! To photograph Siblings and capture this most intriguing relationship can also be rewarding, but it does NOT have to be difficult. Join me as I photograph multiple siblings in multiple families. You'll see how to pose siblings to show off each subject AND their relationship to each other. Make memories that will last a lifetime, no matter how many siblings are involved, it's easy when you have a plan! Join me today, and bring out the best in all of the siblings that you photograph!

Sibling Sessions - Meg Bitton Productions

Sibling Sessions

$0.00 $5.00

Sibling Sessions

$0.00 $5.00

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Ginta Puke
    Awesome workshop! Thank you, Meg, for sharing your skills! I …

    Awesome workshop! Thank you, Meg, for sharing your skills! I learned so much from this video! And I also enjoyed the editing!

    Jodi Cook
    All I can say is another EXCELLENT workshop from Meg...... …

    All I can say is another EXCELLENT workshop from Meg...... I already owned the edits because I’m crazy and own every single edit of hers! Lol. That’s the best way to learn is through watching her “sneaking” tricks to editing in so many different ways! No two are the same or take the same approach! Now with all that being said.... I bought this course because I wanted to see, “learn” how these shots were taken! So for me, again, I didn’t buy because it came with two edits..... I bought it to get the knowledge through Meg’s eyes on how she achieved to capture each image and the bbbus edits are sure nice, but if you are on the fence. Bout purchasing this course because you may have “own” the edits already....... Don’t you want to see how she accomplished capturing these images to edit? Well I sure did! I wish every edit I own came with the “how factor, and the why” factor she captured each image to edit in the first place.....
    It’s on sale right now for $19 so you can’t beat that price to get to go behind Megs eyes/camera, thought process, composing to be able to capture such beautiful images to edit!
    Thank you meg for offering the Behring look at achieving such great images. If you don’t have a great image SOOC to edit in the first place, then you have nothing to edit. I love that I have all her exits to be able to learn things I can do to my images to improve the overall look.... bug again, if I can’t capture that image on my own, then I don’t have much to practice her editing style on and then broaden my horizons and create a look that I can call my own style. Just because she edits her photos in a certain way, doesn’t mean I will edit my photo in the same manner..... her examples just open the doors, and my eyes to see different approaches that are a possibility and then I can take that to a different level and create my own style with what I learned. This is a well done course on “how” to capture stunning images, the bonus is the two edits that come with it to learn editing styles from!
    *****Well Done Course*******

    Robin Healy
    This was all that, and more.

    This was all that, and more.

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