Rich Spring Greens - Meg Bitton Productions
Rich Spring Greens - Meg Bitton Productions

Rich Spring Greens


Subtotal: $59.00


The green tones of spring can be difficult to turn into a rich green color. In this springtime Photoshop editing tutorial, Meg will show you her methods of creating a warm spotlit subject while creating a cool deep jewel toned background.

Rich Spring Greens - Meg Bitton Productions

Rich Spring Greens

$0.00 $59.00

Rich Spring Greens

$0.00 $59.00

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Stephanie Greer
    Wanted to get the greens to look beautiful in a …

    Wanted to get the greens to look beautiful in a photo that I did and this was the perfect tutorial for that. Now whenever I have greens in my photo I come directly to this tutorial to get it right and rich. Love this edit!

    Jonathan Mazza
    What an amazing transformation! Took copious notes the whole time …

    What an amazing transformation! Took copious notes the whole time and watched twice, cannot wait to do something like this with my daughter in a few more months! Don't let the title fool you, even if you don't work with greens, there is very valuable skillsets taught in this class! Thanks Meg!

    'Michelle Pitt
    Great Job! Love it! For someone like me all …

    Great Job! Love it!
    For someone like me all the steps are a little overwhelming but with your slow and precise details I'm ready to try this!
    You are awesome!

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