Reset: Vision - Meg Bitton Productions

Reset: Vision


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Reset: Vision - Meg Bitton Productions

Reset: Vision

$0.00 $5.00

Reset: Vision

$0.00 $5.00

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 15 reviews
    Amanda Mele Daniels
    As the "Mandy" of this Reset, you have to know …

    As the "Mandy" of this Reset, you have to know that my review would be 100 stars because this experience was incredibly profound. Then upon rewatching it in this way, I get to be blown away again and again. Even having experienced this personally, having this as a resource is amazing. I still take things away from it. I check back in here from time to time, just to hear Meg's words, and to continue to learn how to push myself, develop my vision and TRUST MY VOICE. This is a transformational experience for me, and an AMAZING resource for anyone that feels they've lost their voice, aren't living/shooting authentically, not creating in a way that speaks to them. I hope that so many people grow from this and learn, as I have, how to dig deeper and find their vision and voice so that they can grow into the person and photographer they want to be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Meg, for choosing me for this journey and for teaching me so very much about myself and my soul. This was my own "Soulful Critique" and it has changed me for good.

    Maria Stromme
    Meg, you are truly amazing from your style, to your …

    Meg, you are truly amazing from your style, to your knowledge, to your self-confidence. I couldn't have asked for a more inspiring teacher to help me FEEL something for my photos again. I've spent so much time trying to make other's feel something that I forgot why I started this journey, for myself. Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with the world.

    Scott Barnes
    WOW this moved to my new favorite.. This is everything …

    WOW this moved to my new favorite.. This is everything I needed Thank you Meg.

    Kelly Jones

    OMGOSH- AND THERE ARE EDITS INCLUDED!!!! :O Did Not Realize That Until After Watching!! :D lol!!

    Kelly Jones
    I Needed This!!! <3 Lost Interest in Photographing People Because …

    I Needed This!!! <3 Lost Interest in Photographing People Because I Wasnt Being Clear as to What MY Vision Is- & ALWAYS End Up Doing Work That Looks Like Everything Else Out There...Boring & Basic This Video REALLY Gets Things Clicking to see How Worthwhile it is to Create From OUR Visions Rather Than What is "Expected" of Us!! <3

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