Pumpkin Queen - Meg Bitton Productions
Pumpkin Queen - Meg Bitton Productions

Pumpkin Queen


The Pumpkin Queen Tutorial with Candice Baise guides you through a comprehensive process to create enchanting autumn portraits infused with the spirit of the Pumpkin Queen. See more See less
Subtotal: $5.00


Embark on a magical journey with Candice Baise and discover the secrets to creating enchanting autumn portraits infused with the spirit of the Pumpkin Queen with the Pumpkin Queen Tutorial. Candice Baise invites you into her creative realm, guiding you through a comprehensive process that will elevate your photography skills and transform your images into captivating autumnal masterpieces.


  • Immerse yourself in a step-by-step guide to creating enchanting autumn portraits with a touch of pumpkin magic
  • Learn Candice Baise's signature techniques for enhancing skin tone, adding depth and dimension, and creating a cohesive autumnal ambiance
  • Master the art of color grading to capture the essence of the season, from vibrant hues to subtle transitions
  • Discover how to seamlessly integrate pumpkin elements and autumnal textures into your portraits, creating a harmonious and enchanting atmosphere
  • Gain valuable insights into post-processing techniques that will elevate your overall editing skills and refine your autumnal editing style


  • Transform your autumn portraits into enchanting works of art: Elevate your photography to a new level by mastering the techniques and artistry showcased in this comprehensive tutorial.
  • Capture the essence of autumnal magic: Learn how to capture the vibrant hues, subtle details, and enchanting atmosphere of the autumn season in your portraits, infused with the spirit of the Pumpkin Queen.
  • Enhance your editing skills with expert guidance: Gain valuable insights from Candice Baise's extensive experience and expertise in creating captivating autumnal imagery.
  • Expand your creative repertoire: Discover new techniques and approaches to enhance your photography skills and expand your creative horizons, adding a touch of pumpkin magic to your autumnal portraits.
  • Create portraits that will be cherished for years to come: Capture the beauty of the autumn season and the magic of the Pumpkin Queen in timeless portraits that will be treasured for generations.
Embrace the Enchantment of Pumpkin Queen Portraits

**Previously included in the Candice Baise Collection 2023
Pumpkin Queen - Meg Bitton Productions

Pumpkin Queen

$0.00 $5.00

Pumpkin Queen

$0.00 $5.00

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