Journey: Back to Basics - Meg Bitton Productions

Journey: Back to Basics


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $3.99


As the years have rolled by, everyone wants things to return to the way they “were”. They won't. They never will. Life is different. We have stepped forward and we have stepped back. We have experienced loss and gain.

I have never thought it was more necessary in all the years I have run this class to go Back to Basics.

I will provide you with a daily prompt. Yes, 365 of them. Every day.

Join me, starting on the first day of January, as we work together to take our work, and our journeys, back to where it all started.

Are you ready to start fresh and conquer something amazing?

Journey: Back to Basics - Meg Bitton Productions

Journey: Back to Basics

$0.00 $3.99

Journey: Back to Basics

$0.00 $3.99

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