Donation Digital Image Download-Snowflake - Meg Bitton Productions

Donation Digital Image Download-Snowflake


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Our hearts are with the people of Ukraine.

Your donation will be sent to charities hand picked to provide the best care and services for each dollar donated.

Purchase generously, and thank you for participating, as we stand with the people in Ukraine.

Included with your donation is a digital image download given by Kristi Brunworth.

The image is sized to fit 8.5x11" printer paper at 300dpi.

The download purchase receives a personal use license. This means that the content is only for your own, individual use. This image may not be resold or redistributed in any way. All intellectual property within the download is owned by Meg Bitton Productions.

Donation Digital Image Download-Snowflake - Meg Bitton Productions

Donation Digital Image Download-Snowflake

$0.00 $5.00

Donation Digital Image Download-Snowflake

$0.00 $5.00

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