Angels On Fire - Meg Bitton Productions
Angels On Fire

Angels On Fire


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $5.00


Dancing shadows, firelight……

Angels On Fire - Meg Bitton Productions

Angels On Fire

$0.00 $5.00

Angels On Fire

$0.00 $5.00

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Kristie Mason
    Loved it, love Meg's vision and style and agree with …

    Loved it, love Meg's vision and style and agree with so much of what she says and does. It is funny because our 'stories' per say could not be more different yet I feel we are so much alike in our mindset behind our photos, even though our stories themselves could not be any more different. I learn something new or a different way to look at something with each and every training I purchase from Meg and look forward to more! Highly recommend!

    Dianna Jarvis
    This is the best one yet!! So much emotion with …

    This is the best one yet!! So much emotion with each shot!! My favorite was the shower!! OMG must buy this ya'll!! Meg Rocked it out once again!

    Jessica Buono
    Angels on Fire is a story of evolution, told in …

    Angels on Fire is a story of evolution, told in a series of powerful portraits. Story conception, design, styling, posing, lighting, creativity, technical details are all a part of it, but the whole is SO much greater than the sum of its parts. Each scene is entirely unique - from couture to carefree childhood to epic empowerment, I cannot imagine anyone not connecting deeply to at least a part of this, which will undoubtedly lead to self-reflection and realizations you didn't even know you were missing (and if you just really don't want to do any reflection, there's still an enormous amount to learn on the surface about many different types of portraits and the details that go into making them). AOF is somehow both incredibly simple, and intensely complex - it isn't defined by any one style or lens or model, yet it's a fully cohesive creation. If you're on any type of journey of self-discovery, prepare to need to watch it more than once, possibly in a row, possibly months apart. It will change your life if you'll let it.

    Scott Barnes
    The room, The swing, Swoon, It feels very personal to …

    The room, The swing, Swoon, It feels very personal to me,..Like a private conversation with just you and Meg We are there soaking up everything she does... Not so much about what she says, but its always important and she says some very important things. This one for me was more about how she moved - Her control of her vision, just moves me.

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