Advanced Compositing Fundamentals - Meg Bitton Productions

Advanced Compositing Fundamentals


Artist: Meg Bitton Productions
Subtotal: $39.00


Previously included in Advanced Compositing Bootcamp-June 2020, NOW available separately!

Included with purchase are the FOUR instructional videos Jessica taught with in her bootcamp! Learn the fundamentals you will need to take your Advanced Compositing to the next level!

Topics covered include: how to build your own foundational background and different techniques to add depth to your backgrounds, storytelling components in your composites and how to add elements to help tell your story, blending differently lit elements into your composite to bring a cohesive lighting to your piece, and finding inspiration and your vision!

Advanced Compositing Fundamentals - Meg Bitton Productions

Advanced Compositing Fundamentals


Advanced Compositing Fundamentals


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